The Yoku Glow Travel Tips and Necessities

Traveling to Japan or anywhere per say? Going by airplane? I’ll let you in on why The Yoku Glow box is the right travel friendly necessity for you!

We want our customers to feel like they don’t have to stress about what skin care products they should bring on trips as they would stress about what kind of clothes to pack in their luggage. You know what I mean? That’s one less thing we would want people to worry about! 

In one case, you tend to over pack and bring random products that you didn't really need on your journey and could have used that room for an item more important, like more Q-tips or something! The Yoku Glow provides you a whole routine in the simplest way possible in which items that you can easily pack into your given Furoshiki* cloth and grab on the go! 

Also, did you know that airlines have a strict policy on having only 3.4 fluid ounces (100ml) in each container being carried on abroad? Yes, it’s true! As said in our Why Bi-monthly, Not Monthly blog (Click Here To Read), The Yoku Glow also provides many travel and sample size products to play off of! Didn’t have time to remove your makeup before you departed? Don’t sweat it! In your box, you will have an awesome travel sized double cleanser that will melt away your full face of makeup in seconds!  

On a long flight, you can easily lose track of time, especially when traveling overseas with the time change. Having to treat your skin up in the air can definitely help you stay on track of your skin when you are eager to hydrate yourself! 

Did I mention the cabin air is super dry!  Facemask me, please! Literally, sometimes it feels like the Sahara desert! It can hit a 12% humidity, which is drier than the air you find in most deserts in the world! Isn’t that interesting? I would love to bring a personal humidifier if I could (TSA would have definitely taken that away from me), but a good Japanese hydrating facemask and lots of moisturizer will suffice. Embarrassed to wear your facemask in public? Don’t be! It’s called ‘self pampering’, but more so ‘I need this so my skin won’t look crusty’ kind of thing. 

As well as that, if you have super oily skin and you’re all about the dry cabin air that could probably help slow down your crazy sebum production, that’s where you are wrong! Dry air can cause the skin to produce more oil, and can cause different effects to the skin like acne breakouts and such. Yes, even the oilest of skin types need some extra hydration too. In addition to this, grab your Furoshiki bag filled with The Yoku Glow products and go straight to the lavatory without having to carry a whole 18 step skin care kit with you. Now, that’s a savior! How to treat oily skin up in the sky? Try keeping your skin cleansed, toned, and moisturized throughout that 20 hour flight. Just like home!

Without a doubt, keep your body hydrated inside and out and drink loads of water! You’ll need it. Book your next outing, use these tips and tricks, and enjoy the best flight you will ever experience! 



*Furoshiki (風呂敷) are a type of traditional Japanese wrapping cloth traditionally used to transport clothes, gifts, or other goods. (wiki). 

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