In the quest for a skin care line that brings the essence of nature to your bathroom, let me introduce LEAF&BOTANICS, a Japanese brand that masterfully harnesses the formidable powers of plants. This brand stands as a testament to centuries-old wisdom that recognizes the beneficial properties of plant substances for health and beauty. LEAF&BOTANICS focuses on Wash & Care products that deliver the resilience and strength of plants straight to your skin, providing an experience that’s not just nurturing but also emotionally fulfilling.

One of the crown jewels in LEAF&BOTANICS' product line is the Cleansing Cream Sake. This product is a fusion of tradition and modern skin care, integrating the gentle potency of plant-derived oils with the hydrating properties of sake. Rice nuka oil, known for its ability to dissolve makeup effortlessly while purifying the skin, is a key component. The cream’s rich consistency allows it to glide across the skin, minimizing friction and thus providing a gentle cleansing experience that’s hard to find.

The star ingredients of Cleansing Cream Sake include junmai-shu (pure rice wine) and sake lees extract, both sourced from the renowned Ichinokura Sake Brewery in Miyagi Prefecture. These ingredients are rich in amino acids and minerals, offering a moisturizing shield against dryness. Moreover, rice bran oil in the cleanser is infused with oryzanol, a compound that provides a protective softening effect on the skin.

LEAF&BOTANICS’ Cleansing Cream Sake is especially suited for those who:

  • Struggle with dry skin and are in need of a moisture boost.
  • Often in feel their skin tightening uncomfortably after cleansing.
  • Have sensitivity towards essential oils or whose skin is particularly delicate.

This brand is an invitation to explore the depths of botanical power and to turn your daily skin care routine into a ritual that not only revitalizes your skin but also soothes your spirit. For those seeking to infuse their regimen with the life force of plants, LEAF&BOTANICS is a brand that deserves attention and a place on your shelf. Let us know if we should add more items from this brand!

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